2024 Conference Program
Please note this tentative program is actively being developed and is subject to change.
Thursday, October 24
8:30am-9:45 pm | Breakfast Keynote
Commonwealth of Virginia Updates
Matthew Wells
Director, Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation
9:50-10:35 am | Concurrent Sessions
Changing Rainfall Patterns and Bonded CIP Financing: Risks and Opportunities
Doug Moseley, AICP, CFM, ENV SP
Mead & Hunt
Using OpenFEMA Data to Analyze Flood Insurance Policy Trends in Hampton Roads
Emma Corbitt
Blending Risk Based Analysis with Traditional Dam Breach Hazard Analysis for Highly Urban Dams
Marie Hauser, PE
Travis Linville, CFM
Henrico County
10:35am-11:00 am | Networking Break
11:05am-11:50 am | Concurrent Sessions
Introduction to Benefit Cost Analysis
Brad Winters, PE, CFM
CDM Smith
Two States, Two Strategies: State Flood Planning Lessons from Texas and Virginia
Ian T Blair, CFM, AICP Candidate
Wetlands Watch
2D Watershed Modeling in HEC-RAS
Sean Foley, EIT, WSP
12:00-1:30 pm | Lunch Plenary
Details to be announced.
1:30pm-2:15 pm | Concurrent Sessions
A Collaborative Approach to Flood Mitigation Design for Buildings: The Importance of Coordination Between Stakeholders and the Engineers
Isabelle Stern
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
Floodplain Management and the Law: Helping Local Government Attorneys Help their Floodplain Managers
Thomas Ruppert, Esq.
William & Mary, Virginia Coastal Resilience Collaborative
Modeling Pluvial Flood Hazards in Coastal Virginia
Seth Lawler, PhD
Darius Edwards
2:20pm-3:05 pm | Concurrent Sessions
Floodproofing Measures for Commercial Buildings Located in a FEMA Floodplain
Kurt Luecke, CFM
The Practice of Hazard Mitigation Planning in Virginia: Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Joshua G. Behr
Dr. Wie Yusuf
Leigh Chapman
Salter’s Creek Consulting, Inc;
Kaleen Lawsure
Navigating rising seas with data: A simplified approach for understanding the impacts of sea level rise
Jeane Camelo, PhD
Michael Baker International
3:05pm-3:20 pm | Networking Break
3:20pm-4:05 pm | Concurrent Sessions
Designing for the Future: Resilient Design Guidelines for Hampton Roads
Benjamin McFarlane, AICP, CFM
The True Cost of Natural and Beneficial Functions
Scott Blossom, CFM, P.E.
Blossom Consulting
Raising Resilience for Washington, DC with an Integrated Flood Model
Sherwin Zahirieh, PE, ENV SP
Christine Estes, PE, CFM, PMP
4:10pm-4:55 pm | Concurrent Sessions
Advancing rural community adaptation in to rising sea levels through partnering and community engagement – a case example in Oyster, Virginia
Brian Batten, Ph.D, CFM
Susan Bates
The Nature Conservancy
How wet must a wetland be to have federal protections? Estimating a range of potential impacts from Sackett v. EPA using wetland flooding frequency
Adam Gold, Ph.D.
Environmental Defense Fund
Bringing Fairfax County, VA Flood Maps To The 21st Century
Rebecca Purvis, PhD, PE
Ken Hunu, D.Eng., PE, DWRE, PMP, CFM
5:00pm-6:30pm | Awards Ceremony & Reception
Details coming soon!
Friday, October 25
8:30am-9:15am | Concurrent Sessions
Streamlining Community Rating System (CRS) activities: How the City of Newport News Integrated CRS activities into Master Planning Efforts
Ashley Gordon, CFM
Christopher Williams, CFM
City of Newport News
Non-Coastal Flood Resilience Planning
Ginny Snead, PE, CFM
Mary Simmons, CFM
Use Cases for DCR's Pluvial Flood Models
Matt Dalon
9:20am-10:05am | Concurrent Sessions
Cumulative Substantial Improvement Tracking: Addressing the Challenge of Day-to-Day Enforcement
Melanie Harris
Engaging with Your Community’s Hazard Mitigation Planning Process
Rodney Bahner, AICP
FEMA, Region 3, Virginia FIT
Modernizing Water Resources Intelligence
Steven Pyle, VDEM
Sarah Chappel, VDEM
Maria Mutuc, PE
Bryan Wade, AEM
10:05am-10:35am | Networking Break
10:35am-11:20am | Concurrent Sessions
Enhancing Flood Resilience with PCSWMM: An Albemarle County Case Study
Stavros Calos
Albemarle County
Annalee Wisecarver, EIT
Synching your floodplain regulations and the Uniform Statewide Building Code \
Rebecca C. Quinn, CFM
RCQuinn Consulting, Inc.
Comparison Analysis for FFRMS and ClimateEVA Floodplain Elevation
Qijue Chen
11:25am-12:10pm | Concurrent Sessions
Building Resilience in the City of Hampton: Adapting to Rising Tides and Rainfall to Mitigate Flooding
Mohammed Shar, PE, PhD, CFM, CCE
City of Hampton
Arturo Vilcherrez, EIT
Enhancing Flood Resilience: The Redesigned NFIP Compliance Audit Program
Josh Lippert, CFM
FEMA Region 3
City-Wide Water Level and Waves Basis of Design Study for Coastal Flood Mitigation in Norfolk, Virginia
Maarten Kluijver, PE
Moffatt & Nichol
12:10pm-2:00pm | Lunch Plenary
Details to be announced.
2:00pm-2:45pm | Concurrent Sessions
Investing in Resilience: Virginia’s Community Flood Preparedness Fund
Benjamin McFarlane, AICP, CFM
You've Adopted Higher Standards. Now What?
Kristin Owen, AICP, CFM
Henrico County
Predicting Flooding in Vulnerable Communities
Katherine Osborne